
What is UXTail Soup?

In our office the term ‘UXTail Soup’ was coined a few years ago, originally as a fairly lame dad joke, attempting to describe the ‘soup’ of processes that the term UX stands for. This mutated over time into the idea of a blog that can be place for us to talk freely about all the things UX touches and influences.

UX (User Experience) process ultimately helps us understand the world and the people within it, so we can design better digital things. UX extends way beyond websites and often ends up being more about business analysis, client interactions and many social/economic strands.

UXTail Soup is where we will discuss our thoughts, common issues, radical ideas and often blunt opinions, without fear and with good intent.

Want to get involved? Got any thoughts to share? Please get in touch hello@deckchair.co.uk.

Ollie, Becky and Harry @ Deckchair